Let's build the next big thing!

Best Business Development

We offer industry specialization business solutions to a wide spectrum of industries on a thorough understanding of each business and its relevant market.

Application development is a continuous interaction and will proceed after the underlying dispatch as you receive user feedback and build additional functionality. Hepto Technologies has been the main mobile application development company in Chennai. Over the years, Hepto Technologies has provided mobile application development services to organizations across finance, medical services, development, retail, shopper items, coordinations, modern design, and diversion. We follow this equivalent cycle for the entirety of the mobile applications that we make. Following this venture, the mobile application improvement cycle will guarantee an effective dispatch of your application also.

6 Key Stage For App Development Process

The key stages that are engaged to implement clients’ ideas into applications with innovative technology

The principal period of the mobile application development measure is characterizing the methodology for developing your idea into a useful application. You might remember a more huge piece of this for your general venture versatility system.

At this stage, your application idea begins coming to fruition and transforms into a genuine venture. Investigation and planning start with characterizing use cases and catching point-by-point functional requirements.

The accomplishment of a mobile application is resolved depends on how well clients are embracing and profiting from every one of its features. The objective for mobile application UI/UX is to create excellent user experiences making your app interactive and intuitive.

Planning remains an essential piece of this stage in the mobile application development measure. A normal mobile application project consists of three basic parts: back-end development, API(s), and the mobile application front-end.

Performing careful quality affirmation (QA) testing during the mobile application development measure makes applications steady, usable, and secure. To guarantee thorough QA testing of your application, you first need to plan experiments.

Delivering a mobile application requires submitting your application to the application stores. In any case, you will require a developer account with Apple App Store and Google Play Store prior to dispatching your mobile application.

We Streamline Our Workflow

Hepto Technologies combines strategic consulting, design, and engineering expertise to shape your business ideas into effective applications.
Development Process Requirements Gathering

Requirements Gathering

A detailed study of proper requirements, Comprehend clients' requirements, Proposing solutions.

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Development Process Requirements Gathering

Conceptualizing and Designing

Strategic planning for app designing as per the requirements with the latest technological trends.

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Development Process Implementation


After the design has been finalized the developers start working on the implementation process.

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Development Process Testing


After the project has been programmed, the testing process goes for delivering a bug-free solution.

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Development Process Deployment


Launch app to App Stores, Deploy to client's server, App available on play store and take care of it.

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Stunning And Seamless Apps For Your Growth

We strive to excel in developing solutions around your business with the industry’s latest innovative technologies and offering world-class services that work seamlessly and create rewarding results.

Project Analysis

After you have identified the requirement for your application, set up a product guide. This incorporates focusing on the mobile application requirement and gathering them into delivery achievements. Assuming time, assets, or expenses are a worry, characterize your minimum value product (MVP) and focus on this for the initial launch.

Task Management

We comprehend that project ideas and customer data are incredibly touchy. All teammates working at Hepto Technologies will undoubtedly keep the data inside the workplace, not breaking any security strategy contract.

Task Workflow Accessibility

When drawn up, we unmistakably and compactly archive the venture detail and make it effectively available for everybody's reference on shared organizers or task specialized apparatuses like Jira so that all individuals associated with the undertaking acquire experiences in the current situation with the task work process.